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The forbidden 3

A group of children stands in a circle. The children count off around the circle; the game leader starts by counting 1. The children have to observe the following rules while counting. Each number that contains a 3 is replaced by “tock” Counting goes like this: “One, two, “tock,” four, etc.

  • Counting
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Don’t throw a 1

You need a die, a pad of paper, and a pencil. Then you’re ready to start. The players take turns throwing the die. Each player can throw as many times as they want and collect points (= number on the die). But if they throw a 1, they lose all their points for this round, and the next player is up. This means they need to consider carefully whether they should dare to take another throw, or if they should keep all the points they’ve collected and pass on the die. Whoever has the most points after the set number of rounds, or whoever reaches the set number of points first, wins.

  • Counting
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